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Nasz magazyn i linie telefoniczne są czynne od poniedziałku do piątku w godzinach od 9:00 do 17:00, a nasz kompetentny personel chętnie odpowie na Państwa pytania dotyczące produktów. Zadzwoń do nas pod numer 01749 830 000

Set of 2 Whelen Centurion Rotators 12v 02-0363385-00 For Centurion Lightbar


CONDITION:  Used - Tested And In Good Working Order

  • Whelen Centurion Lightbar Rotator Without A Bulb
  • Set of 2 Rotators
  • Will Require H1 Bulb - Bulb Not Included
  • Part Number : 02-0363385-00

When ordering outside of the mainland United Kingdom, Northern Ireland, Scottish Highland & Islands and overseas customers please contact us for shipping quotes and information.

For more information on this item or any other of our products please contact us . Our normal opening hours are 9.00 am to 5.00 pm Monday to Friday.

Thank you for visiting our listing on Ebay.


The Team @ One Stop Cop Shop